Arrrh!! This be Speakin Pirate. Mark my words, this app will have you speakin like a pirate by high tide. Translate words or phrases to sound like your favorite buccaneer and share the messages with your mates by the tap of a button. Have a jolly time speakin the lingo of old time swashbucklers and impress a fierce vixen with your scoundrelly ways. Savvy?
- Satisfy your curiosity about Pirate slang and the language of a seafaring man
- Improve on your accents and dialect for acting
- Have some fun while killing time with this unique application
- Share your translations with your friends instantly through E-mail, SMS (text message), Facebook, or your own messaging application
- A great pocket application to take with you when you travel and use it as a dictionary or reference
Version 3.0 Changes
- Updated interface and sound effects.
- High-Resolution Retina Graphics.
- Portrait & landscape orientation.
- Auto-save or manually store your translations for later use.
- Share translations with your Facebook friends.
- Send E-mail & Text message directly from within the app.
Coming Soon
- Dictionary Updates
- Twitter integration
- Submit words and phrases directly from within the App!
Word and Phrase Submission
You can submit words or phrases that you would like to see in future updates. Please click the following link
to provide us the information.
Submit Word or Phrase
iPhone Images
more shots coming soon...
iPad Images
more shots coming soon...
To purchase this app, please click the below Appstore logo, and you will be redirected to
the Apple's application store. Don't forget to submit a review!